Wednesday, February 18, 2009


We went to NYC to the Museum of Natural History. We were there a little while and came upon the Display of Human Origins. In the first display we could see guessed it, a monkey. My husband had to rush me out of there because I started yelling and started making a scene. Oh how that hurt. God has shown me so much in reading online blogs about apostasy and prior to that, I really had no clue how much evolution is accepted and taught. We later went upstairs to the floor that has the dinosaurs. We looked at a display saying how Stingrays(which I love)evolved from Sharks. Hogwash. Same family, yes, but evolution is a satanic word and I won't accept that theory. God created stingrays just like he created you and me. Read Genesis. Words from it pop out at me from it quite often.
So yesterday, I was on my way to an appointment, and turned on a song by Jeremy Camp called Wonderful Maker. I started bawling. Now on monthly occasions I could cry very easily. I don't cry much, but if something goes wrong then or if I am confronted with something then,you know it's that time. So other than nearing to that time, I just wondered what was wrong with me. I guess I just needed to let it all out.

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